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First 10 agents are free. Any additional agent will be billed $5/user/month or $30/user/year.
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An observer is a person in your team who can't reply to the customer but can view all the tickets and can post private notes for the agents.
Let's say that a customer is reporting that the customer's credit card is not being accepted. In order to resolve this issue the agent wants to involve someone from the engineering team to look into the matter. The person from the engineering team can be added as an observer. This person can see all the messages and can post a private note for the agent.
This allows the customer service team to invite any person from any department be it marketing, sales, engineering, QA, design or devops to join the ticket and help resolve the matter.
We believe that each person from the company should take a look at the kind of issues their customers are facing. Serving the needs of customer is not just the job of customer service but it's the job of the whole company.
Both NeetoChat and NeetoDesk allows unlimited observers so that the whole company can see what kind of issues their customers are facing.
We believe that the cost of software is truly getting out of hand. Everything starts as freemium, but any meaningful usage costs so much more. More competition is also not able to budge the pricing. More software providers are coming to the market, but the software price remains very high.
At Neeto, we are taking a different approach. We are cutting the middleman(Google Ads) and returning that money to our users. We have written about our pricing philosophy here in detail.
Yes you can cancel your subscription at any time.
We do not offer any on-premise version of any of the Neeto products at this time.
All Neeto products have a FREE plan to try the product out. When you upgrade your plan, you already know what the product does and what it doesn't do. Our official refund policy is that we don't refund. Having said that, if you have an exceptional case, please reach out to us, and we will look into your case.
Let's get started now.